2022 Liberty Hospital Foundation Holiday Gift Card Program

The Liberty Hospital Foundation is proud to support the incredible employees of Liberty Hospital. We know how tough the year has been for so many, especially those in Healthcare that care for others, and at times, at the expense of self. It is with this in mind that the Foundation has stepped up in 2022 to support our care workers and Hospital employees with the most need.

For all Full-Time employee with a personal Hospital income at $50,000 or below, we would like to provide a $100 Walmart Gift Card to support your holiday season. Please complete the form below before December 9, 2022 so that we can properly purchase the necessary cards for distribution on December 15, 2022.


  1. How do I apply?
    1. Simply complete the form above. That’s it!
  2. How do I pick up the Gift Card after I apply?
    1. On December 15, come to the Foundation office starting at 9:00 AM to collect your Walmart Gift Card.
  3. Will this be taxed?
    1. No. Because this is need based from the Foundation, there will not be a tax implication to you for this.
  4. Does my spouses income count?
    1. No. This is individual based, if you personally make less than $50,000 annually from Liberty Hospital, you can receive a $100 Walmart Gift Card.
  5. My spouse and I work at the hospital, can we both receive a gift?
    1. Yes! Any Full-Time Liberty Hospital Employee at or below $50,000 annually for 2022 can receive assistance.
  6. Where is the Foundation Office located?
    1. Enter the main entrance of 2525 Glenn Hendren Drive, Liberty, MO 64068, take a left. We are the offices next to the Chapel. There is a sign that says Liberty Hospital Foundation!