The TreeHouse
Since 2005, the TreeHouse has acted as a “home away from home” and has met the housing needs of patients and their families coming to Liberty
Hospital for specialized medical care. To date, the TreeHouse has provided accommodations for more than 46,000 guests.
The TreeHouse is open to guests from the Liberty area as well as from cities and towns much further away. Guests often travel an hour or more to receive medical care, as Saint Luke’s Health System and the University of Missouri Medical Center frequencies refer their patients to Liberty Hospital to receive such specialized care that is unavailable to them in their hometown.
Guests are able to better focus on their family member’s healing process when they do not have to worry about the added stress of finding somewhere comfortable to stay.
The TreeHouse is made possible from donors like you that support the health, education, wellness, and care of our neighbors right here, locally. As a branch of the Liberty Hospital Foundation, the TreeHouse is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that accepts donations to support this free resource to patients and their families!
We hope you continue to support the TreeHouse! You enable us to continue to fulfill our duty to neighbors and our community. Thank you.
Michael C. Russell, CAE
Executive Director
Liberty Hospital Foundation