Giving back has always been important to my family. My sisters and I grew up with regular examples of giving back and that naturally spilled over to our company. I’ve watched my parents quietly, thoughtfully and consistently do what they could to make people’s lives better and I only hope that I can continue to perpetuate that generosity in my life and in the life of our Curry family.

Curry has been consistent in giving to the needs of our community and we see that modeled throughout the company with our amazing people. Our folks are out there involved and volunteering their time on many fronts. We have a philanthropy committee who vets needs throughout the year. We love it when we can all get together to make an impact on a project or organization and also love what I call “spontaneous combustion giving” where somebody sees a need and jump starts a push to fulfill that need.

We’ve been involved with Liberty Hospital Foundation for over 20 years and have enjoyed watching the growth and evolution of this amazing organization. I spent a good deal of time and energy around the planning and construction of the Treehouse, as it was a mission close to my heart personally. We are so proud of the growth and the impact the Foundation is making towards the health of the Liberty Hospital community.

I’ve been active with lot’s of organizations but what always stands out about Liberty Hospital Foundation is the people. Some of the best in the Northland roll up their sleeves to be involved with this group and if there’s something that needs to be done, all you have to do is ask. These folks step right up! Every time.

On behalf of Curry Real Estate Services and our family, I encourage you to find a way to give back this #GivingTuesday.  Whether it is a monetary donation or volunteer hours  – the work the Foundation is doing for health and wellness in our community would only be stronger with YOUR help!

Ellen Todd
President, Curry Real Estate Services
Honorary Board Member, Liberty Hospital Foundation